Thursday, April 7, 2011

The Blessing of Being Available

My neighbor, Rita, was on my mind today, so I called her.  I knew she had a couple of relatives (husband and wife) who both were ill from cancer.  Sadly, they recently passed away about one week apart.  They had been married nearly 60 years and didn't have any children.  Rita retired a year or so ago and was able to spend quality time with them helping them make their transition.  Rita told me she was glad she was available to them. 

I told Rita that I understood that thought very well because it's something I've been saying ever since I quit my job on March 31, 2006.  In April, 2006, my grandson was hospitalized in another state.   I was available to go to my son's home to help him and my daughter-in-law without getting a supervisor's permission or stressing about work that would be waiting on me when I got back.  In May, 2006, my brother-in-law's sister suffered an aneurysm and passed away a week later.  I was available to be at the hospital every day with his family before she passed.  I was available to visit several friends during their hospitalizations.    During the summer of 2006, my mother-in-law had surgery.  She was able to spend part of her recuperation at my home because I was available.   

In 2007, I was available to volunteer during the day with a high school youth group and another non-profit youth organization summer event.  I was later asked to serve as the  youth director for their new program, which I did for two years.   When my young cousin was in intensive care, I was available to spend time with him at the hospital.  My mother-in-law was hospitalized with a serious illness and again spent part of her recuperation in our home.  I was available to develop, launch and facilitate a year-long leadership course at  my church in 2008. 

In 2009, my mom was hospitalized on two occasions.  I was available to be with her at the hospital during the day, have her recuperate at my home, and take her to her doctors' appointments.  I was available to be with my sister who lives in another state when her husband was ill and to help her make funeral arrangements.   I was available to be with a friend during her several complicated surgeries.  For several months last year, I babysat for my daughter when she had to return to work after having her first baby.   

Yes, it is a blessing to be available!  Isn't this what Mordecai told his cousin, Queen Esther, when he said "who knows but that you have come to royal position for such a time as this?”  (NIV Esther 4:14)  Only God knew when I quit my job that He would bless me to be available on so many occasions.  These times have been sad, exciting, stressful, unpredictable, peaceful, but most of all blessings full of joy! 

One of those joys was my availability to take a picture this morning of a duck nesting near my front porch and then see the results a couple hours later!


Thank You, Lord, for making me available, blessing me abundantly above what I could think or imagine and giving me Joy, Joy, Joy down in my soul!

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